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No New Posts Leaders Den

This den is a cave, presumably made from a lava flow. It goes deep into the mountain. A small stream trickles trough it, flowing down the mountain to form a small water fall. Their is a tall flat rock outside the den which the Alpha stand on to address the pack.

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No New Posts Eagle Rock

[/blockquote]Eagle Rock stands at the top of the GreyMountain. Its very windy, but there are many eagles and there nest up here, providing the main source of food for the pack. It is bleak and bare.[/blockquote]

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No New Posts The Waterfall

Though its not very big this waterfall is the main water supply for the pack. There is no other stream in their territory close by. The water gathers in a wide pool constantly flowing, providing a easy way to clean the dust of fur.

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No New Posts Small Trees - 1 Viewing

At the very base of the mountain there is greenery though not much. There are many small trees growing there, and lots of shrubs. Rabbits and mice dwell here, making it the other main hunting spot.

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GreyMountain Pack

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Pack Ranks
Shadow 0 180 by Shadow
Mar 22, 2010 16:55:02 GMT -2


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GreyMountain Pack
The GreyMountain wolves live in the mountains, surrounded by stone. There is little green here, and they are extremely jealous of the WillowTree wolves. They hate the WillowTree wolves and dislike the YellowPlains wolves, but willingly accept loners. Winters are harsh here. This pack has no leader yet.
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